[GDNET] Takao Nishizeki

Yoshio Okamoto okamotoy at uec.ac.jp
Tue Feb 1 14:06:06 CET 2022

Dear graph drawing researchers,

With great sorrow, I will share the sad news that Takao Nishizeki,
Professor Emeritus at Tohoku University, passed away on January 30,

The influence and the contribution of Prof. Takao Nishizeki have
been enormous. He is a coauthor of books "Planar Graphs: Theory
and Algorithms" and "Planar Graph Drawing". He was a steering
committee member of GD, and a PC cochair for GD 2007 in Sydney.
He is a cofounder of International Symposium on Algorithms and
Computation (ISAAC).

I heard he was struggling with cancer for a few years. We remember
his passion and friendship.

Best regards,
Yoshio Okamoto

Yoshio Okamoto, Prof. <okamotoy at uec.ac.jp>
Dept. of Computer and Network Engineering
University of Electro-Communications
Chofugaoka 1-5-1, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585

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