[SSIR] Seminario "Blockchain meet DHT" - giovedì 7 feb. ore 15:00

Maurizio Pizzonia pizzonia a dia.uniroma3.it
Mar 5 Feb 2019 15:48:46 CET

Cari studenti,
Diego Pennino terrà un seminario per presentare il seguente lavoro di ricerca

Blockchains meet Distributed Hash Tables: Decoupling Validation from State
Storage. Autori: Matteo Bernardini, Diego Pennino and Maurizio Pizzonia
(vedi abstract in calce)

Il seminario si terrà giovedì 7 febbraio alle ore 15:00 nella sala
riunioni al primo piano della sezione di informatica e automazione.
La partecipazione è aperta a tutti gli interessati.

Cordiali saluti,
Maurizio Pizzonia

Blockchains meet Distributed Hash Tables: Decoupling Validation from State
Storage - Matteo Bernardini, Diego Pennino and Maurizio Pizzonia


The first obstacle that regular users encounter when setting up a node
for a public blockchain is the time taken for downloading all the data
needed for the node to start operating correctly. In fact, this may last
from hours to weeks for the major networks.
Our contribution is twofold. Firstly, we show a design that enables
mining and validation of new blocks keeping only a very small state. Sec-
ondly, we show that it is possible to store the state of the blockchain in
a distributed hash table obtaining a wide spectrum of trade-offs between
storage committed by the nodes and replication factor. Our proposal is
independent from the consensus algorithm adopted, and copes well with
transactions that involve smart contracts.

_Maurizio Pizzonia_______________________________________________

 Engineering Dept. (CS and Aut. Section)     ph. +39-06-5733-3311
 Roma Tre University                         fax +39-06-5733-3612

__________________________________________ http://www.pizzonia.it

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