[Netkit.users] Netkit and Kernel module

Massimo Rimondini rimondin at dia.uniroma3.it
Tue Feb 14 22:13:19 CET 2017

Hi Youri,

what you are trying to achieve is not very easy, considering that some of the Netkit components are, unfortunately yet undoubtedly, a bit outdated, and this applies also to the kernel.

It is a good choice to build your custom module by relying on an already installed kernel source tree but, as you see, you may encounter two mismatches:
- on the kernel release
- on the kernel target architecture (supposedly the host's)

Instead, I suggest you to download the correct version of the kernel sources from https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.26.tar.xz, recompile it for the User Mode architecture (see the instructions at http://wiki.netkit.org/download/netkit-kernel/README), then add your custom module to this build.


Il 14/02/2017 10:56, Youri Korostelev ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I am currently working on netkit for a project,on a ubuntu virtualbox with the  2.6.32-74 version.
> I've written a kernel module to hook packets with netfilter, and i'd like to load it on my netkit routers.
> However, i get the following error: (Version magic '2.6.32-74-generic SMP mod_unload modversions 586 ' should be ' mod_unload") whenever i try the insmod command, since the kernel versions are different.
> I am looking for a way to build my kernel module for the netkit kernel, from my host machine. 
> Is it possible and how can i do so ? i've tried modifying the makefile in usr/src/ but it did not change the issue, maybe i haven't tried the right things.
> Thanks for you advice and help.
> The error:
>  Images intégrées 1
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Youri Korostelev
> Élève Ingénieur 3^ème  année
> ​​
> ​, spécialisé en logiciel embarqué
> Telecom Nancy - Université de Lorraine
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