[Netkit.users] netkit - aggiungere file alle macchine virtuali

Nunzio Brugaletta ennebi at solira.org
Mon Nov 26 16:27:54 CET 2012

On 11/26/2012 12:04 PM, Claudio Pisanu wrote:
> Salve, ho riscontrato adesso un problema con netkit,
> mi sono accorto che aggiungendo dei file all'interno delle cartelle delle rispettive macchine virtuali, non sempre poi vanno a finire a destinazione. (ho usato il comando lclean, potrebbe dipendere da quello?)

I have tried, in my students experiences, to put files in vm's 
directory, for example resolv.conf in /etc. If /home/tux/lab is lab 
directory and /home/tux/lab/pc1 is vm direcotry (pc1 is name of my vm), 
I put /home/tux/lab/pc1/etc/resolv.conf. The first (and only the first 
time until pc1.disk do not exist, as in netkit documentation. In other 
case you must delete pc1.disk before), the file goes in right place.
In your case the file pc1.disk exist?

This is my cent

Nunzio Brugaletta
ennebi at solira.org

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