[Netkit.users] Can't install header files in netkit

Massimo Rimondini rimondin at dia.uniroma3.it
Wed Dec 9 15:45:50 CET 2009

Dear Andreas,

as far as I can see from the build log, I cannot but confirm that there
is a problem with locating header files (specifically nivpubl.h).
Diagnosing why this is occurring is rather difficult because I cannot
know what the build script does to locate header files. If your
application is installed inside /hosthome, Netkit should expose it as if
it were installed in any other directory. Therefore, I am more inclined
to think that it is some issue with the build environment you have set
up inside Netkit, which likely differs from your host's. There may be a
number of reasons for this difference: different OS versions,
differently set environment variables, different file permissions, etc.

Again, I cannot tell you much as I know neither how the build script
operates nor what your system setup is.


Andreas Wagner wrote:
> Hello netkit people,
> I have tried to build and install some shared libraries and a dependent 
> cli with waf in a netkit UML instance from hosthome. However the waf 
> build script will not install the library headers and thus cannot find 
> them when it comes to linking with the shared library. If I manually cp 
> the header files to /usr/local/include the build and install works.
> I am not sure whether the problem is with netkit or waf but I presume 
> the issue is with netkit as it builds without any problems on the host.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Here is the output of the waf with verbose build (./waf configure -vvv 
> build install):
> Checking for program gcc,cc              : ok /usr/bin/gcc
> 14:21:27 ccroot dest platform: linux elf x86
> Checking for program cpp                 : ok /usr/bin/cpp
> Checking for program ar                  : ok /usr/bin/ar
> Checking for program ranlib              : ok /usr/bin/ranlib
> 14:21:27 action  def f(task):     env = task.env     wd = getattr(task, 
> 'cwd', None)     def to_list(xx):         if isinstance(xx, str): return 
> [xx]         return xx     lst = []     lst.extend(to_list(env['CC'])) 
>      lst.extend(to_list(env['CCFLAGS']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['CPPFLAGS']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['_CCINCFLAGS']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['_CCDEFFLAGS']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['CC_SRC_F']))     lst.extend([a.srcpath(env) 
> for a in task.inputs])     lst.extend(to_list(env['CC_TGT_F']))    
>   lst.extend([a.bldpath(env) for a in task.outputs])     lst = [x for x 
> in lst if x]     return task.exec_command(lst, cwd=wd)
> 14:21:27 action  def f(task):     env = task.env     wd = getattr(task, 
> 'cwd', None)     def to_list(xx):         if isinstance(xx, str): return 
> [xx]         return xx     lst = []    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['LINK_CC']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['CCLNK_SRC_F']))     lst.extend([a.srcpath(env) 
> for a in task.inputs])     lst.extend(to_list(env['CCLNK_TGT_F']))    
>   lst.append(task.outputs[0].abspath(env))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['LINKFLAGS']))     lst = [x for x in lst if x] 
>      return task.exec_command(lst, cwd=wd)
> Checking for gcc                         : ok
> Checking for library sctp                : 14:21:28 build Build cache 
> loading failed
> 14:21:28 build srcnode is .conf_check_0 and srcdir 
> /hosthome/sp/nivoa/build/.conf_check_0
> 14:21:28 build init variants
> 14:21:28 build list of variants is ['default']
> 14:21:28 build compile called
> 14:21:28 build delayed operation TaskGen.flush() called
> 14:21:28 task_gen posting objects (normal)
> 14:21:28 task_gen posting <task_gen 'testprog' of type task_gen defined 
> in dir:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/build/.conf_check_0> 137952972
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> add_extra_flags (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> default_cc (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> init_cc (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_type_vars (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> exec_rule (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> vars_target_cprogram (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_core (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_link (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_lib_vars (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_incpaths (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars_cc (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> default_link_install (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_defines_cc (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_verif (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen -> apply_objdeps (137952972)
> 14:21:28 task_gen posted testprog
> 14:21:28 build executor starting
> 14:21:28 ccroot _scan_preprocessor(self, node, env, path_lst)
> 14:21:28 preproc scanning test.c (in .conf_check_0)
> 14:21:28 preproc reading file 
> '/hosthome/sp/nivoa/build/.conf_check_0/test.c'
> 14:21:28 deps deps for 
> src:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/build/.conf_check_0/test.c: []; unresolved []
> 14:21:28 deps scanner for cc: build/.conf_check_0/test.c -> 
> build/.conf_check_0/testbuild/default/test_1.o  returned [] []
> 14:21:28 envhash 'o\xfc\x00\xb7\x84\xefraI\xd9\x88[\xd54\x80v' 
> ["['/usr/bin/gcc']", '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '', "['-c', '-o', '']", '[]']
> 14:21:28 task task      {task: cc test.c -> test_1.o} must run as it was 
> never run before or the task code changed
> 14:21:28 runner system command -> ['/usr/bin/gcc', '../test.c', '-c', 
> '-o', 'default/test_1.o']
> 14:21:28 envhash 'L\xb7/\xa09vG\xa1q\xa7;D3\xa3Gh' ["['/usr/bin/gcc']", 
> '', "['-o', '']", "['-Wl,-Bdynamic', '-lsctp']"]
> 14:21:28 task task      {task: cc_link test_1.o -> testprog} must run as 
> it was never run before or the task code changed
> 14:21:28 runner system command -> ['/usr/bin/gcc', 'default/test_1.o', 
> '-o', 
> '/hosthome/sp/nivoa/build/.conf_check_0/testbuild/default/testprog', 
> '-Wl,-Bdynamic', '-lsctp']
> ok
> 14:21:29 action  def f(task):     env = task.env     wd = getattr(task, 
> 'cwd', None)     def to_list(xx):         if isinstance(xx, str): return 
> [xx]         return xx     lst = []     lst.extend(to_list(env['CXX'])) 
>      lst.extend(to_list(env['CXXFLAGS']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['CPPFLAGS']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['_CXXINCFLAGS']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['_CXXDEFFLAGS']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['CXX_SRC_F']))     lst.extend([a.srcpath(env) 
> for a in task.inputs])     lst.extend(to_list(env['CXX_TGT_F']))    
>   lst.extend([a.bldpath(env) for a in task.outputs])     lst = [x for x 
> in lst if x]     return task.exec_command(lst, cwd=wd)
> 14:21:29 action  def f(task):     env = task.env     wd = getattr(task, 
> 'cwd', None)     def to_list(xx):         if isinstance(xx, str): return 
> [xx]         return xx     lst = []    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['LINK_CXX']))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['CXXLNK_SRC_F']))    
>   lst.extend([a.srcpath(env) for a in task.inputs])    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['CXXLNK_TGT_F']))    
>   lst.append(task.outputs[0].abspath(env))    
>   lst.extend(to_list(env['LINKFLAGS']))     lst = [x for x in lst if x] 
>      return task.exec_command(lst, cwd=wd)
> 'configure' finished successfully (1.444s)
> 14:21:29 env {'files': [], 'commands': {'distcheck': 0, 'dist': 0, 
> 'configure': True, 'install': True, 'clean': 0, 'distclean': 0, 
> 'uninstall': 0, 'check': 0, 'build': True}, 'hash': 0, 'argv': ['./waf', 
> 'configure', '-vvv', 'build', 'install'], 'options': {'force': False, 
> 'verbose': 3, 'destdir': '', 'zones': '', 'blddir': '', 'prefix': 
> '/usr/local/', 'jobs': 1, 'compile_targets': None, 'nocache': False, 
> 'progress_bar': 0, 'keep': False, 'srcdir': '', 'check_c_compiler': 'gcc 
> icc suncc'}, 'blddir': '/hosthome/sp/nivoa/build', 'environ': {'LANG': 
> 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'MAIL': 
> '/var/mail/root', 'LC_MEASUREMENT': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'OLDPWD': '/root', 
> 'PWD': '/hosthome/sp/nivoa', 'SHLVL': '1', 'HUSHLOGIN': 'FALSE', 
> 'LOGNAME': 'root', 'USER': 'root', 'PATH': 
> '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'HOME': 
> '/root', 'LS_OPTIONS': '--color=auto', 'PS1': '\\h:\\w\\$ ', '_': 
> './waf'}, 'srcdir': '/hosthome/sp/nivoa/src', 'cwd': '/hosthome/sp/nivoa'}
> 14:21:29 env {'version': 1069072, 'tools': [{'tool': 'ar', 'tooldir': 
> None, 'funs': None}, {'tool': 'cc', 'tooldir': None, 'funs': None}, 
> {'tool': 'gcc', 'tooldir': None, 'funs': None}, {'tool': 'compiler_cc', 
> 'tooldir': None, 'funs': None}]}
> 14:21:29 build srcnode is nivoa and srcdir /hosthome/sp/nivoa/src
> 14:21:29 build init variants
> 14:21:29 build list of variants is []
> 14:21:29 env {'CCFLAGS_MACBUNDLE': ['-fPIC'], 'program_PATTERN': '%s', 
> 'LIBPATH_ST': '-L%s', 'DEST_CPU': 'x86', 'CCLNK_SRC_F': '', 'PREFIX': 
> '/usr/local', 'SONAME_ST': '-Wl,-h,%s', 'CPP': '/usr/bin/cpp', 
> 'ARFLAGS': 'rcs', 'SHLIB_MARKER': '-Wl,-Bdynamic', 'LIB_SCTP': ['sctp'], 
> 'CPPPATH_ST': '-I%s', 'LINK_CC': ['/usr/bin/gcc'], 'STATICLIB_ST': 
> '-l%s', 'RPATH_ST': '-Wl,-rpath,%s', 'CC_VERSION': ('4', '3', '4'), 
> 'CCFLAGS_DEBUG': ['-g'], 'LIB_ST': '-l%s', 'CCFLAGS_RELEASE': ['-O2'], 
> 'CC_TGT_F': ['-c', '-o', ''], 'FULLSTATIC_MARKER': '-static', 
> 'CCLNK_TGT_F': ['-o', ''], 'CC': ['/usr/bin/gcc'], 'STATICLIB_MARKER': 
> '-Wl,-Bstatic', 'RANLIB': '/usr/bin/ranlib', 'AR': '/usr/bin/ar', 
> 'staticlib_PATTERN': 'lib%s.a', 'staticlib_LINKFLAGS': ['-Wl,-Bstatic'], 
> 'CC_SRC_F': '', 'CCDEFINES_ST': '-D%s', 'shlib_LINKFLAGS': ['-shared'], 
> 'LINKFLAGS_MACBUNDLE': ['-bundle', '-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup'], 
> 'shlib_PATTERN': 'lib%s.so', 'shlib_CCFLAGS': ['-fPIC', '-DPIC'], 
> 'STATICLIBPATH_ST': '-L%s', 'DEST_OS': 'linux', 'COMPILER_CC': 'gcc', 
> 'macbundle_PATTERN': '%s.bundle', 'DEST_BINFMT': 'elf', 'CC_NAME': 'gcc'}
> 14:21:29 build init variants
> 14:21:29 build list of variants is ['default']
> Waf: Entering directory `/hosthome/sp/nivoa/build'
> 14:21:29 build compile called
> 14:21:29 build delayed operation TaskGen.flush() called
> 14:21:29 task_gen posting objects (normal)
> 14:21:29 task_gen posting <task_gen 'nivpubl' of type task_gen defined 
> in dir:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/libs> 137957580
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> add_extra_flags (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_cc (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> init_cc (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_type_vars (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> exec_rule (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> vars_target_cshlib (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_core (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_link (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_implib (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_vnum (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_lib_vars (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_incpaths (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars_cc (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_link_install (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_defines_cc (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_verif (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_objdeps (137957580)
> 14:21:29 task_gen posted nivpubl
> 14:21:29 task_gen posting <task_gen 'nivreqst' of type task_gen defined 
> in dir:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/libs> 137960876
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> add_extra_flags (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_cc (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> init_cc (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_type_vars (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> exec_rule (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> vars_target_cshlib (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_core (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_link (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_implib (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_vnum (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_lib_vars (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_incpaths (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars_cc (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_link_install (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_defines_cc (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_verif (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_objdeps (137960876)
> 14:21:29 task_gen posted nivreqst
> 14:21:29 task_gen posting <task_gen 'nivsrch' of type task_gen defined 
> in dir:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/libs> 137974028
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> add_extra_flags (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_cc (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> init_cc (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_type_vars (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> exec_rule (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> vars_target_cshlib (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_core (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_link (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_implib (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_vnum (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_lib_vars (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_incpaths (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars_cc (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_link_install (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_defines_cc (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_verif (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_objdeps (137974028)
> 14:21:29 task_gen posted nivsrch
> 14:21:29 task_gen posting <task_gen 'niv-publ' of type task_gen defined 
> in dir:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/ui/cli> 137974220
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> add_extra_flags (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_cc (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> init_cc (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_type_vars (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> exec_rule (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> vars_target_cprogram (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_core (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_link (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_lib_vars (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_incpaths (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars_cc (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_link_install (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_defines_cc (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_verif (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_objdeps (137974220)
> 14:21:29 task_gen posted niv-publ
> 14:21:29 task_gen posting <task_gen 'niv-dnld' of type task_gen defined 
> in dir:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/ui/cli> 137974604
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> add_extra_flags (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_cc (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> init_cc (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_type_vars (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> exec_rule (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> vars_target_cprogram (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_core (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_link (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_lib_vars (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_incpaths (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars_cc (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_link_install (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_defines_cc (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_verif (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_objdeps (137974604)
> 14:21:29 task_gen posted niv-dnld
> 14:21:29 task_gen posting <task_gen 'niv-srch' of type task_gen defined 
> in dir:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/ui/cli> 137975692
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> add_extra_flags (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_cc (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> init_cc (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_type_vars (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> exec_rule (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> vars_target_cprogram (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_core (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_link (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_lib_vars (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_incpaths (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars_cc (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> default_link_install (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_obj_vars (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_defines_cc (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_verif (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen -> apply_objdeps (137975692)
> 14:21:29 task_gen posted niv-srch
> 14:21:29 build executor starting
> 14:21:29 envhash '(\x02\xa4\xeei\xccZ\xa3R\xa6\xdc=\xf4#\xbcp' 
> ["['/usr/bin/gcc']", "['-O3', '-fPIC', '-DPIC']", '[]', '[]', '[]', '', 
> "['-c', '-o', '']", '[]']
> 14:21:29 Logs Task      {task: cc nivpubl.c -> nivpubl_1.o}
> 14:21:29 envhash '(\x02\xa4\xeei\xccZ\xa3R\xa6\xdc=\xf4#\xbcp' 
> ["['/usr/bin/gcc']", "['-O3', '-fPIC', '-DPIC']", '[]', '[]', '[]', '', 
> "['-c', '-o', '']", '[]']
> 14:21:29 Logs Task      {task: cc nivreqst.c -> nivreqst_2.o}
> 14:21:29 envhash '(\x02\xa4\xeei\xccZ\xa3R\xa6\xdc=\xf4#\xbcp' 
> ["['/usr/bin/gcc']", "['-O3', '-fPIC', '-DPIC']", '[]', '[]', '[]', '', 
> "['-c', '-o', '']", '[]']
> 14:21:29 Logs Task      {task: cc nivsrch.c -> nivsrch_3.o}
> 14:21:29 ccroot _scan_preprocessor(self, node, env, path_lst)
> 14:21:29 preproc scanning niv-publ.c (in cli)
> 14:21:29 preproc reading file '/hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/ui/cli/niv-publ.c'
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <stdio.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found stdio.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <stdlib.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found stdlib.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <nivpubl.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found nivpubl.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 deps deps for src:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/ui/cli/niv-publ.c: 
> []; unresolved ['stdio.h', 'stdlib.h', 'nivpubl.h']
> 14:21:29 deps scanner for cc: src/ui/cli/niv-publ.c -> 
> build/default/src/ui/cli/niv-publ_1.o  returned [] ['stdio.h', 
> 'stdlib.h', 'nivpubl.h']
> 14:21:29 envhash 'o\xfc\x00\xb7\x84\xefraI\xd9\x88[\xd54\x80v' 
> ["['/usr/bin/gcc']", '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '', "['-c', '-o', '']", '[]']
> 14:21:29 task task      {task: cc niv-publ.c -> niv-publ_1.o} must run 
> as it was never run before or the task code changed
> [ 4/12] cc: src/ui/cli/niv-publ.c -> build/default/src/ui/cli/niv-publ_1.o
> 14:21:29 runner system command -> ['/usr/bin/gcc', 
> '../src/ui/cli/niv-publ.c', '-c', '-o', 'default/src/ui/cli/niv-publ_1.o']
> 14:21:29 ccroot _scan_preprocessor(self, node, env, path_lst)
> 14:21:29 preproc scanning niv-dnld.c (in cli)
> 14:21:29 preproc reading file '/hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/ui/cli/niv-dnld.c'
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <stdio.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found stdio.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <stdlib.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found stdlib.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <getopt.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found getopt.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <nivreqst.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found nivreqst.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 preproc line is define - NOVERBOSE 1 state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc define NOVERBOSE   NOVERBOSE 1
> 14:21:29 preproc line is define - VERBOSE 2 state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc define VERBOSE   VERBOSE 2
> 14:21:29 preproc line is define - QUIET 3 state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc define QUIET   QUIET 3
> 14:21:29 preproc line is define - DEFAULT 1 state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc define DEFAULT   DEFAULT 1
> 14:21:29 preproc line is define - FILESIZE 1000 state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc define FILESIZE   FILESIZE 1000
> ../src/ui/cli/niv-publ.c:3:21: error: nivpubl.h: No such file or directory
> 14:21:29 deps deps for src:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/ui/cli/niv-dnld.c: 
> []; unresolved ['stdio.h', 'stdlib.h', 'getopt.h', 'nivreqst.h']
> 14:21:29 deps scanner for cc: src/ui/cli/niv-dnld.c -> 
> build/default/src/ui/cli/niv-dnld_2.o  returned [] ['stdio.h', 
> 'stdlib.h', 'getopt.h', 'nivreqst.h']
> 14:21:29 envhash 'o\xfc\x00\xb7\x84\xefraI\xd9\x88[\xd54\x80v' 
> ["['/usr/bin/gcc']", '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '', "['-c', '-o', '']", '[]']
> 14:21:29 task task      {task: cc niv-dnld.c -> niv-dnld_2.o} must run 
> as it was never run before or the task code changed
> 14:21:29 ccroot _scan_preprocessor(self, node, env, path_lst)
> 14:21:29 preproc scanning niv-srch.c (in cli)
> 14:21:29 preproc reading file '/hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/ui/cli/niv-srch.c'
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <stdio.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found stdio.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <stdlib.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found stdlib.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 preproc line is include - <nivsrch.h> state is []
> 14:21:29 preproc include found nivsrch.h    (<)
> 14:21:29 deps deps for src:///hosthome/sp/nivoa/src/ui/cli/niv-srch.c: 
> []; unresolved ['stdio.h', 'stdlib.h', 'nivsrch.h']
> 14:21:29 deps scanner for cc: src/ui/cli/niv-srch.c -> 
> build/default/src/ui/cli/niv-srch_3.o  returned [] ['stdio.h', 
> 'stdlib.h', 'nivsrch.h']
> 14:21:29 envhash 'o\xfc\x00\xb7\x84\xefraI\xd9\x88[\xd54\x80v' 
> ["['/usr/bin/gcc']", '[]', '[]', '[]', '[]', '', "['-c', '-o', '']", '[]']
> 14:21:29 task task      {task: cc niv-srch.c -> niv-srch_3.o} must run 
> as it was never run before or the task code changed
> 14:21:29 envhash '\x88\xf7\xde\r\xe8\x95\xf1\n\x0c\x03EM\x9d\xf6-.' 
> ["['/usr/bin/gcc']", '', "['-o', '']", "['-shared']"]
> 14:21:29 task task      {task: cc_link nivpubl_1.o -> libnivpubl.so} 
> must run as it was never run before or the task code changed
> Waf: Leaving directory `/hosthome/sp/nivoa/build'
> Build failed
>   -> task failed (err #1):
>      {task: cc niv-publ.c -> niv-publ_1.o}
>    File "./waf", line 153, in <module>
>      Scripting.prepare(t, cwd, VERSION, wafdir)
>    File 
> "/hosthome/sp/nivoa/.waf-1.5.10-15581553f45fcbe34120bea73f83c109/wafadmin/Scripting.py", 
> line 107, in prepare
>      error(str(e))
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