[Netkit.users] Tap Interface in Netkit Lab

Michele Di Mascolo micheledimascolo at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 12:30:51 CET 2008

I've some trouble to start a Netkit Lab with vm_s that have tap
interface configured at the start up to be capable to internet

I configure in lab.conf file the interested vm as follow:


When the router1 vm start, only the normal network interface come up
with the address specified in router1.startup file. The tap interface
instead doesn't go up and I can't navigate in internet with this vm.

I want to know if this is a my bad configuration or if there is a bug
in the lab start up when is present a vm with tap interface


Michele Di Mascolo
Specialistic Graduating in Telecommunications Engineering
@ Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"

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