[Netkit.users] Netkit wishlist

Vsevolod Krishchenko mstu at sevik.ru
Sat Dec 6 09:30:12 CET 2008

I have some wishlist after having (mostly) nice time with Netkit when 
teaching rip/netfilter/openvpn/dhcp/arp/lan. Sorry if I wish for 
existing feature. I fixed most of this stuff but I believe that 
having it it out-of-the-box will be nice.

0. Bugtracker, please?

1. Please replace 'su' with 'sudo' when creating tap device. I have 
allowed sudo for this script for students; 'su' comes from stone age 
and causes big problems.
sudo $NETKIT_HOME/bin/manage_tuntap stop

2. Please create tun for OpenVPN in default FS. 
mkdir /dev/net; mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200

3. Can Quagga detect started interface without restarting ripd? Is it 
a Auagga's problem?

4. Is it possible to create fixed MAC addresses without 'hwaddr 
ether ...' in '/etc/network/interfaces'? Creating MAC from interface 
number and part of md5 of machine name will be great.

5. Please make exim4 to listen by default instead of 

6. Adding power dns packages to default FS should be nice. 
pdns-recursor is much easy to set up.

7. Having '/bin/cat' or 'bin/date' xinet.d service  for testing TCP 
conection to arbitrary port could be useful. It requires xinetd 
(listen on and following '/etc/xinetd.d/test':
service test {
        disable         = no
        type            = UNLISTED
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        port            = 10000 # port to test
        wait            = no
        user            = nobody
        server          = /bin/cat

During this term I have found only known bugs in current netkit:

1. Quagga does not restart correctly (one line changed and four 
removed in /etc/init.d/quagga)

2. Problem with tap (patch exists).

Крищенко Всеволод Александрович
к.т.н., доцент МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана

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