[GDNET] Graph Drawing 2024: Final Call for Posters

Karsten Klein karsten.klein at uni-konstanz.de
Sat Aug 3 09:48:27 CEST 2024

Apologies in case you receive multiple copies of this announcement.


Final Call for Posters

GD 2024

32nd International Symposium on
Graph Drawing and Network Visualization

September 18–20, 2024 – Vienna, Austria

Poster submission link




August 16:    Poster submission deadline
August 31:    Notification of poster acceptance
September 6: Final versions due
September 1: Contest submission deadline

September 18-20: Symposium

(all deadlines are understood to be 23:59 AoE)


Graph Drawing is concerned with the geometric representation of graphs 
and constitutes the algorithmic core of Network Visualization. Graph 
Drawing and Network Visualization are motivated by applications where it 
is crucial to visually analyze and interact with relational datasets. 
Examples of such application areas include data science, social 
sciences, web computing, information systems, life sciences, geography, 
business intelligence, information security, and software engineering.

GD has been the main annual event in this area for more than 30 years. 
Its focus is on combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of graph drawing, 
their practical evaluation, as well as the design of network 
visualization systems and interfaces. Researchers and practitioners 
working on any aspects of graph drawing and network visualization are 
invited to contribute papers and posters and to participate in the 
symposium as well as the graph drawing contest.

GD 2024 will be held in Vienna, Austria, on September 18-20, 2024 with a 
reception on the evening of September 17. A pre-conference PhD school 
will take place September 16-17, 2024. GD 2024 is designed to be held 

The code of conduct for the GD conference can be found at 



Submissions of posters on graph drawing, network visualization, and 
related areas are solicited. The poster session will provide a forum for 
the communication of late-breaking research results (which may also 
appear elsewhere) to the GD community. Authors of posters should prepare 
an abstract (up to 2 pages in LIPIcs style) that must be submitted 
together with the poster itself.

Each submission will thus consist of two pdf files (the two-page 
abstract and the poster). Poster submissions will be evaluated by the 
Program Committee of GD 2024 in a single-blind mode. Contributions must 
include names, email addresses and contact information of the 
contributors, and must be submitted via EasyChair at the web site

Check the box "Poster submission" and upload poster ("Poster" button) 
and poster abstract ("Abstract" button).

It is expected that posters are presented on site by one of the authors 
in order for the abstract to be included in the proceedings.

Details about the traditional Graph Drawing Contest, which is held at 
the conference, are provided at the web site 


To recognize the effort of the participants in preparing and presenting 
their posters in a clear and elegant way, there will be a Best Poster 
Award voted on by the GD 2024 attendees.



Otfried Cheong, SCALGO, Denmark
Monika Henzinger, Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Austria



Daniel Archambault, Newcastle University
David Auber, University of Bordeaux
Benjamin Bach, University of Edinburgh
Martin Balko, Charles University in Prague
Carla Binucci, University of Perugia
Giuseppe Di Battista, Third University of Rome
Vida Dujmovic, University of Ottawa
Tim Dwyer, Monash University
David Eppstein, University of California, Irvine
Stefan Felsner (co-chair), Technical University Berlin
Michael Hoffmann, ETH Zurich
Seok-Hee Hong, University of Sydney
Yifan Hu, Amazon	
Tony Huang, University of Technology Sydney
Jonathan Klawitter, University of Auckland
Karsten Klein (co-chair), Konstanz University
Linda Kleist, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Boris Klemz, University of Würzburg
Maarten Löffler, Utrecht University
Maurizio Patrignani, Third University of Rome
Arnaud Sallaberry, University of Montpellier
Manfred Scheucher, Technical University Berlin
Alessandra Tappini, University of Perugia
Géza Tóth, Rényi Institute, Budapest
Torsten Ueckerdt (remote submission chair), KIT Karlsruhe
Birgit Vogtenhuber, Graz University of Technology
Hsiang-Yun Wu, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences


Doris Brazda, TU Wien, Austria
Thomas Depian, TU Wien, Austria
Alexander Dobler, TU Wien, Austria
Simon Dominik Fink, TU Wien, Austria
Robert Ganian (co-chair), TU Wien, Austria
Martin Nöllenburg (co-chair), TU Wien, Austria
Hsiang-Yun Wu, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences


Sara Di Bartolomeo, University of Konstanz, Germany
Fabian Klute (chair), UPC Barcelona, Spain
Wouter Meulemans, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
Debajyoti Mondal, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Jules Wulms, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands

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